Read the article here
(Please forgive the typos!)
I use this blog to capture my thoughts and assist me in the learning process. Often I record observations, findings and ideas that I subsequently learn are incorrect (all part of the learning process). Whilst I am happy to share such thoughts with anyone reading, I also advise caution in using them as any form of tutorial. With coffee, I will always have more to learn than I have to teach - Mike Haggerton (@HaggieBarista), proprietor of @HabitatCafe
Great article, Mike, it passed me by for a while since it was on the homepage, not the forums. Which heat are you competing in? Scotland, or coming down to the SE?
Cheers mate :) Glasgow for me, in March. Would love to make it down to watch the London heats but too many things going on at the moment. Planning to be there in April come what may though.